According to our analysis there was a potential of 686 pips / ticks profit out of the following 9 events in March 2022. The potential performance in 2021 was 16,273 pips / ticks.
DOE Natural Gas Storage Report (29 ticks / 3 March 2022)
DOE Petroleum Status Report (104 ticks / 9 March 2022)
US Consumer Price Index (CPI) (19 pips / 10 March 2022)
DOE Petroleum Status Report (39 ticks / 16 March 2022)
DOE Natural Gas Storage Report (37 ticks / 17 March 2022)
DOE Petroleum Status Report (60 ticks / 23 March 2022)
DOE Natural Gas Storage Report (44 ticks / 24 March 2022)
DOE Petroleum Status Report (38 ticks / 30 March 2022)
USDA Grain Stocks / Prospective Plantings (316 ticks / 31 March 2022)
Total trading time would have been around 7 minutes! (preparation time not included)
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